Sunday, February 17, 2008


I ran into this awesome webcomic called Daisy is Dead and loved the drawing style so much I had just had to mess with it. This is the first sketch I did - a total copy of Daisy's character profile art.
Don't ask about Derf. Really, don't. Just go read through the archives and you'll understand. So, anyway, once I figured I had a basic handle on Daisy's proportions (very basic, mind you) I slapped the happy pic below together. Again, you'll understand the whole thing better if you've read Daisy is Dead but basically... zombie grows daisies. Hippie likes daisies. Hippie picks daisies. Yaaaaaay.

I'm pretty darn happy with that. I'll be sending it to Lindsay Smith as fanart - I hope she likes it too. It's been about 2 years since I've sent fanart to anyone... I have fear. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

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